Sailing the Top of the World Log & Map Links – Update #3
I’m pleased to report, all my Kickstarter Backer Rewards for their support helping me participate in the Arctic Circle Expedition in June are fulfilled, a month ahead of schedule. It is with gratitude that I will give presentations to the Research in Art (RIA) Salon Wednesday Nov 20, 7 pm, and at the Britannia Yacht Club Wednesday Nov 27, 7 pm.
To complement my Sailing The Top of The World presentation, hosted by Britannia Yacht Club, 2777 Cassels St. Ottawa, Nov 27, 7 pm, and at the RIA Salon, I have also prepared the Expedition’s Sailing Log (10 pages) available for download at the link. It contains the daily Svalbard sailing itinerary June 10 – 24, a map, bios of the Arctic Circle organization and the artist (me), labeled diagrams of the tall ship Antigua’s sails and rigging, one of my Kickstart Backer’s Painting Rewards, and several links for further information. The log cover and BYC presentation poster are shown.